Volunteers are a crucial part of our organization. We have many fun opportunities to get involved and help us bring options of help, hope, and healing to victims and their families of violence and abuse. Options offers several ways for you to volunteer: Direct Service, Indirect Service, On-Call Service, and Board Member.
If you have any questions about our volunteer program or would like more information, contact Katie, our Volunteer Specialist, today! Call 785-625-4202 or email [email protected].

Direct Service volunteers support staff and other volunteers by working directly with our clients. A few ways a direct service volunteer can help are:
- answering the 24/7 hotline
- covering the Office and/or Shelter
- transportation of a client
- providing childcare during Options-provided classes
- volunteering professional services for clients
- taking a client shopping or on an outing
Indirect Service volunteers support staff and other volunteers working behind the scenes mostly out of the office or at events. A few ways an indirect service volunteer can help are:
- event planning/awareness
- fundraising
- general office work (filing, mailings, data entry)
- general building and yard maintenance
- buying and/or preparing a meal

On-Call volunteers would be available as needed. They would be able to support staff and other volunteers by covering Shelter and/or Office.
- Cover Shelter during monthly staff meetings
- Fill in during 24-hour holiday shifts
- Provide hour lunch breaks
- Cover Shelter when Staff is called out for:
- SANE Exam
- Client Transportation
- Emergency Response
Board Members actively advocate for and serve as ambassadors of Options throughout the 18 county service area.
- Assure the mission and goals of the organization are thoroughly met
- Action-oriented
- Board Committees
- Fundraising
- Nominating
- Executive
- Finance

Volunteer Application
To apply to be a volunteer, please fill out the form below.