Do you have a friend or loved one who is or has experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or sex trafficking? Contact one of our advocates for guidance on how to help your friend or loved one.
Reach an advocate 24/7 by calling our 24-hour helpline 800-794-4624, text HOPE to 847411, or Live Chat with an Advocate.
In the meantime, here are a few things you can do.

Develop a Safety Plan
Help your friend or loved one develop a safety plan that feels right to them, whether they stay or whether they leave.
Help Them Find Guidance
It can be frustrating to see a friend or loved one struggle. Encourage them to talk to people who are compassionate and can provide help and guidance.
Provide Moral Support
Offer to go with them to talk to an Options advocate. If they need to go to the police, court, or meet with a lawyer, offer to go along with them.
Provide Emotional Support
Accept that you cannot “rescue” them. Although it is difficult to see someone you care about suffer, they must ultimately decide that they want to do something. Remain supportive and help them find a way to safety and peace.

Help Them Move Forward
Encourage your friend or loved on to participate in activities outside of the relationship. If they end the relationship, be supportive. Even though the relationship was abusive, they may still need time to mourn the relationship and will need your support.