The 100 Men Campaign was born out of the belief that men have a crucial role to play in the movement to end violence against women and girls. Through greater awareness of this issue and by advocating for violence prevention at the community level, men are becoming part of the solution in ending what has become one of the most significant social issues of our time.’
We invite you to become a member of our 100 Men Campaign. By donating to Options through the 100 Men Campaign, you can help advocate to end sexual violence and domestic abuse.
As a member of the 100 Men Campaign, I pledge to
- Believe any person who trusts me enough to disclose gender violence in their relationship and refer them for help at Options 24-hour Helpline 800-794-4624.
- Stop victim-blaming when I hear it.
- Never engage in violence against women or girls.
- Wear my Campaign pin and spread the word.
- Understand that the vast majority of men are NOT abusive.