Options is hosting our 3rd annual Survivors’ Iris Garden on May 31 in WaKeeney and June 1 in Quinter.
In floriography, the iris flower symbolizes faith, courage, valor, hope, and wisdom. While the blooms of this flower wither when cold weather arrives, colorful flowers reemerge each spring. During the dark days of winter, irises are a reminder that bright days lie ahead. Irises are always changing, and there are many different types of this flower.
These are the reasons why Options has chosen the symbol of the iris. Just like the flower, survivors are extremely courageous. We believe the flower serves as a reminder to survivors and victims’ that there is hope even during the darkest days. The Survivors’ Garden honors the courage and strength of will survivors of domestic and sexual violence empower themselves to escape the pain and fear of their experiences.
Victims and survivors need support now more than ever. Victim blaming runs rampant through the media which bleeds into our everyday lives. It is not uncommon for a victim of abuse to be relentlessly questioned and for abusers to go free. Excuses from abusers are accepted and victims are denied validation for the pain that was caused. We see these things unfold before our very eyes and then ask, “Why don’t victims ever tell?”
The Survivor Garden is a reminder that we are with you, in your community, reaching out to you to help end domestic & sexual violence. Join us during this event and be a part of something that will encourage strength and inspiration. We ask participants to write an encouraging message to survivors on an iris card and help us plant these in the ground during our event.
The WaKeeney Survivor Garden is on May 31 at 716 N 6th St, WaKeeney, KS at 3 p.m. The Quinter Survivor Garden is on June 1 at the Quinter Community Garden (Corner of Main & Fifth) at 5:30 p.m.
We thank you for your cares, prayers, and shares – the seeds we plant together, as a community in solidarity, send the message that with us, survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence receive help, hope, and healing.

If you need any additional information, have a question, or a concern, feel free to reach out to Options at our 24-hour toll-free helpline 800-794-4624. You can also reach an advocate via text by texting HOPE to 847411 or click 24-Hour Chat with Options.
Written by Anniston Weber